new cover and editorial shoot
Hey everyone. Thanks so much for all the comments on the last post. It makes me all warm and fuzzy. I've got some great images from a recent shoot that I did with Savannah Magazine a couple weeks ago.
Here's the cover:
here's one gigantic post to make up for missing the past couple months
hey guys, if you're still out there then I think you deserve a really great post. i haven't avoided blogging because of laziness and i have been busy but that's not the reason either. i was testing your loyalty. i'm happy to say that you've passed. you are now in the circle of trust and i will reward you with 81 of my faves from the last couple months. I still have about 5 photoshoots and as many weddings in the works so I'll get those up here sometime in the next decade. maybe sooner... hope everyone in blog land is doing great. keep spreading the word about timwill photography. if there's anyone out there that can hook me up with a Europe wedding I'll give you something really cool. a high five. ..and maybe some free photography. i can keep sweetening the deal, just let me know what it'll take.
PS; in other news, baby Willoughby is due in 8 weeks. IT's a BOY. If you have any name suggestions send them my way. I've got a few ideas which i might post later but in the meantime, leave me a comment with your best name. we need first and middle : _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Willoughby
Also, tell me how awesome these photos are. Or tell me how much they suck. Just tell me something people...
special rates
Hey everyone, I'm still accepting a few more wedding commissions for 2009 and since I don't do any advertising I'm hoping YOU will spread the good word and connect me with some different people getting married! We're also offering SPECIAL RATES for unique weddings, interesting gowns, couples who might have an interesting look, and intimate weddings at unique locations. Contact me for details if you think you or someone you know might fit that description.
Savannah Magazine
Thanks so much to Annabelle Carr and Michelle Karner at Savannah Magazine for having me shoot a fashion spread for the new issue of Savannah Magazine. We had a great time shooting these images and ended up with lots more than we actually needed or were able to use. It was a ton of fun getting to step outside of my norm and shoot a little bit of fashion and it was really great working with such an amazing crew! I think there were about 7 other people there making everything come together! Anyways, take a break from my normal wedding photos and check out the layouts for Savannah magazine... Let me know what you think!
Maggie & Mitchell
Thanks for checking in guys. I'm on a 3 day blogging streak right now that's unheard of (in the world of Willoughby) and probably won't last but let's just ride this big, beautiful wave as long as we can. Today we have a wonderful couple hailing from Alabama. Ladies and Gentlemen; Maggie and Mitchell.
fashion bridal
A couple weeks ago we did a very quick bridal shoot for a couple local vendors: Charleston Street Florist of Augusta and House of the Bride (also Augusta). We were pretty limited with time but our model, Ms. Teen South Carolina, made it pretty easy...
matt & sarah
You may remember these guys from a really great engagement session we did together in Atlanta last year. (matt and sarah's engagement)
They had their wedding at the Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah, GA back in November. I'm just now getting to blogging them. Sorry Matt and Sarah! Anyways, they had a gorgeous wedding and the BEST band I have EVER SEEN (at a wedding of course). They were amazing. Each member of the band took turns with lead vocals so there was a wide range of styles. The dance floor was packed from the moment the bride and groom entered to the moment they left.
Enjoy the pictures, leave me a comment (if you have a few minutes to kill) and check back tomorrow for an engagement session and another wedding the next day...
June 6th just opened up and June 20th is also available! If you know anyone who is getting married those dates please send them my way!
jason and lara
alianor and dave