New Portfolio

I have been working my tail off to get the website tidied up and a current set of photos online and I'm finally done! The new and improved website features 5 new galleries with almost entirely new photos (kept some of the old stuff too)

cleaner navigation and fonts, easier audio button, improved info sections and 40% wider photos.

Have a look at the new galleries if you need a break from work.

The New

Yes, I gave it a gold star.

Giving back

I've wanted to be a missionary since high school. Half way through college I took a year off and worked with a volunteer group in Costa Rica. I spent 7 months in 3 different locations: the jungle in Limon, a farm village in Nicoya, and a mountain town called San Ramon. Unfortunately, the group that I was with wasn't really set up for volunteers and I kind of felt like dead weight most of the time. I came back to the states with my eyes opened but I don't know if my time there was helpful for anyone but myself. Anyways, that was years ago and I haven't really done anything like it since. It would be incredible to be able to give a few weeks a year and do some photography for some of these groups; maybe help promote their causes. That will take some serious planning though with weddings most weekends, a new studio, and a wife and kid. The bottom line is (and congrats if you're still reading) there are some groups out there that are more organized and dedicated than I can be and I think it would be a great idea to at least give them some financial support even if I can't donate tons of time right now.

10%. That's the percentage we're going to be donating from every wedding, portrait session, and print sale.

Right now we have 6 different organizations that we're going to be working with and we're going to let our clients choose which group their 10% goes to. I'm really excited because it's a way for each one of our clients to give back just by using our services.

Here are the organizations:

Operation Smile

More than 200,000 children are born with a severe cleft condition each year — often unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. In some places these children are shunned and rejected. And in too many cases, their parents can't afford to give them the surgeries they need to live a normal life.

That's where we come in. Since 1982, Operation Smile  — through the help of dedicated medical volunteers — has provided free surgeries to children in more than 50 countries, healing their smiles and bringing hope for a better future.

Charity Water

Almost a billion people on the planet don't have access to clean drinking water. That's one in eight of us. charity:water is a non-profit organzation bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of your donation will directly fund freshwater projects in developing nations. Each $20 can give one person clean, safe drinking water for 20 years.


Founded in 1926 by Pope Pius XI, Catholic Near East Welfare Association's (CNEWA) mandate is: to support the pastoral mission and institutions of the Eastern Catholic churches; to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need without regard to nationality or creed; to promote Christian unity and inter-religious understanding and collaboration; and to educate people in the West about the history, cultures, peoples and churches of the East. CNEWA does not have inflexible priorities - they are set based upon time, place and urgency of need. We do not compete; if other agencies are doing good work, we leave it to them. CNEWA addresses those needs that would otherwise "fall through the cracks," enabling the power of love to reach men, women and children in need

Partners in Health

Partners In Health is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts, and active in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Russia, and the United States. Our mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. Through service, training, advocacy, and research, and by establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations, PIH strives to achieve two overarching goals: to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.

Acumen Fund

Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty. We seek to prove that small amounts of philanthropic capital, combined with large doses of business acumen, can build thriving enterprises that serve vast numbers of the poor. Our investments focus on delivering affordable, critical goods and services – like health, water, housing and energy – through innovative, market-oriented approaches.

My big fat baby. Oh ...and Charleston!

Hello hello hello. Big day today in timwill blogland. Not only did I make another post. But I have one from each of the basic food groups. Family session, portrait session, wedding, and personal. I hate to make excuses for my lack of blogging but I'm going to. Here it is: Fatherhood + Move to Charleston + Incredible new studio = BUSY.Yes, timwill photography has relocated to Charleston SC. For any of you in Augusta, don't worry; I'm back all the time and there is no change in service or travel fees. This move doesn't affect any of my current clients at all. But I have a feeling this will affect my future business. This town is awesome! And the new studio is so awesome. HA. But it seriously is. As soon as I get a sign up and a few prints I'll take some shots and do a gigantic post. Before and after pics, detail shots, the whole shebang. That's for another time though. I think I've blogged enough to last me for a few days.Thanks for checking in, everyone.PS: the beautiful woman in the photos below is my wife. Yes, I am a lucky s.o.b.

Grace & Simon.

Albuquerque, New Mejico. Beautiful wedding of my good college buddy Grace and my new amigo Simon.

I'm going to let the photos tell the story because I've got "Blogger's Block" and don't have anything witty to say. I'll post one of the 20 or so weddings on my desk next week. Maybe Monday. Keep your fingers crossed.

whoa. is this a new blog post. yes it is.

hey everyone. dom is about 7 weeks old now which means i haven't blogged in about 7 weeks. i'm sorry to tell you this but time does become a little more scarce when you have a kid. shocker right?

so, since i was bad at blogging before, i'll probably be even worse now. however, i'm not giving up yet. maybe eventually, but not yet.

here's a couple shots of the kid.