Our new website and portfolio...

Our new website has been done for a while now but I thought I'd do a quick post of some of the images in case you'd like to scroll through them a little faster. There is also a portraits section, a magazine section, and about 9 featured weddings on the main site that aren't here. www.timwill.com


Old Edwards Inn (is the best place on earth)

timwill_photography_highlandsWe went on a little 3 day vacation to Old Edwards Inn and Spa last week for a nice, easy start to 2012 and it was wait for it


The best vacation I've had since my honeymoon 4 years ago. Typical Day:

Room service breakfast - Mountain Hike - Lunch and Shopping - Workout - Steam room - Jacuzzi - Shower with 13 heads - Wine - Dinner - Fire and reading.

No kids, no dishes, no computers...

I fully recommend it.

This place had a dedicated Dove Ice Cream bar station. Complimentary ice cream bars 24/7.....

Anyways, I was too busy relaxing to take any photos. I genuinely feel terrible about it. Here's one quick one Sarah took with her iPhone of me doing my morning yoga on top of a mountain. And yes, that's a joke. I hate yoga.

Best wishes to everyone who read this (and everyone else I guess) for 2012!


b1Thank you so much to everyone who has visited my blog this year, hired me to shoot your wedding, said something nice about my little business to a friend, or helped me in any way. I have had an amazing year and am very grateful for every blessing in my life. Thanks also to my good friend Sean (who just survived an appendectomy this week) and who photographed my wife and me and our gorgeous kiddos. I am not posting all the photos yet or a link to the photographer's website because he's asked me to wait until the web gurus are finished with it. (He's updating it so keep your pants on. I'll post his site soon...)


Andre and Mary (not the preview)

180- ford plantation weddingHere are some more photographs from Mary and Andre's amazing wedding at the Ford Plantation Yes, I know that I already posted a 'preview' from this wedding that was the size of a full post but I already had these images ready and I can't just neglect to post them for fear of being a little repetitive. The images are amazing and I need to share them. I do still have another 600+ images to post from other 2011 weddings but I'm going to let them out little by little so no one gets too bored.

PS: I need to submit this somewhere. Magazine or blog? Which magazine or blog? Advice appreciated? Yes.

181- ford plantation wedding182- ford plantation wedding183- ford plantation wedding184- ford plantation wedding185- ford plantation wedding186- ford plantation wedding187- ford plantation wedding188- ford plantation wedding189- ford plantation wedding190- ford plantation wedding191- ford plantation wedding192- ford plantation wedding193- ford plantation wedding194- ford plantation wedding195- ford plantation wedding196- ford plantation wedding197- ford plantation wedding198- ford plantation wedding199- ford plantation wedding200- ford plantation wedding201- ford plantation wedding202- ford plantation wedding203- ford plantation wedding204- ford plantation wedding205- ford plantation wedding206- ford plantation wedding207- ford plantation wedding208- ford plantation wedding209- ford plantation wedding210- ford plantation wedding211- ford plantation wedding212- ford plantation wedding213- ford plantation wedding214- ford plantation wedding215- ford plantation wedding216- ford plantation wedding217- ford plantation wedding218- ford plantation wedding219- ford plantation wedding220- ford plantation wedding221- ford plantation wedding222- ford plantation wedding223- ford plantation wedding224- ford plantation wedding225- ford plantation wedding226- ford plantation wedding227- ford plantation wedding228- ford plantation wedding229- ford plantation wedding230- ford plantation wedding231- ford plantation wedding232- ford plantation wedding233- ford plantation wedding234- ford plantation wedding235- ford plantation wedding236- ford plantation wedding237- ford plantation wedding238- ford plantation wedding239- ford plantation wedding240- ford plantation wedding


I want to know what other people do with their free time. Is it really great having a schedule and a 9-5 type of job with vacation time? I think that would be incredible. You go to work, you work, you come home and watch football. Or whatever you do. Set vacation time where you aren't worried about 10 million emails piling up and you're not thinking to yourself that maybe you shouldn't have turned work down just so you can sit around. I am very grateful for my ability to create my own schedule but it comes at a cost. Working for yourself means that you're never free. Sarah asked me why I always take on a new project the moment I get caught up and the only answer I could come up with is that I have to. I will never be satisfied that I've done my job as well as I can or that I've done everything I need to do to insure that I keep people coming back next year and the year after.

I'm not crying about it, I just wish someone would put a gun to my head and make me stop sometimes. That's probably what it would take.

Saturday was my first day off in months and it was a real treat. Sarah bought some sailing lessons through Groupon with Charleston Sailing School so we got out on the water for a bit. I have a new dream. Win the lottery, buy a huge catamaran and spend a few years exploring the caribbean. Or maybe I should just raise my rates. By about 500%. I'll give it some thought. More short term, it might be pretty cool to rent one and explore the British Virgin Islands for a week or so. If any one wants to split one (and you're not a huge pain to travel with) let me know. They're about 6-8g's per week and hold 6-8 people. I've got the itch for some clear water and a place without internet. Occupy Caribbean.

photo taken with iPhone.
